Modern Kung fu

Total Combat!

Shuai Chaio and Chin NA In MKF

According to Devin Willis , “..Master David Lee was taught Shuai Chaio(Shuai Jiao), not Akido It also had entailed Chin Na. also, we were taught to also had strike as we to enter. In Shuai Chaio the main goal is to throw the opponent hard, at a very akward angles, and possibly breaking something along the way of the throw.

I was taught by my Instructor that Shuai-chiao was used by the bodyguards to the chinese emporers.

Our “drills”consited of full contact sparing , with the understanding a takedown was considered any part
of the body, other than the feet, touching the ground. You only got points for a clean throw, you had to remain on your feet and couldn’t be dragged down as well.

Also, once the two competitors “locked up” or made physical contact to initiate/repel, resist, we were given 4 count, if noone had been thrown the competitors were
seperated thus you had to go for the quick clean throw.

Many of the throws are similar to Judo, but sacracfice techniques are not used in sport version of Shuai Chaio (since whoever hits the ground first loses points). It is also illegal in sport Shuai Jiao to throw opponents with techniques that lock the joints.However , used Chin na and worked with joint locks..”
But in It is also illegal in street Shuai Chaio to throw opponents with techniques that lock the joints to break as they are thrown is  the version taught in MKF.


April 19, 2008 - Posted by | david lee, devin willis, History of Modern kung fu, MKF Ranges, MKF Take downs and Throws, systems used | , , , , ,


  1. In 1982, the place San Jose California, I witnessed a Challenge Match between Taekwondo black belt Tom Callos from West Coast TKD and a kid that was about sixteen and his system was Modern kung fu. I was there because I had heard that this kid was undefeated and loved to beat down on martial artists and hated TKD stylists and his sister had beaten a student a few months eairler.

    The match lasted about two mintes with the Modern kung fu man choking out Tom. I was shocked,but maybe it was Tom’s off day and Devon Willis on day.

    It was years later that through Tom Callos that BJ met Ralph Gracie in 1997 and decided to move to Mountain View, CA to further his jiu-jitsu training.

    Comment by kempoman | October 13, 2007 | Reply

  2. I would add that I have heard this story before as well, but I do not think it was Tom Callos, but a training partner and fellow member of West Coast TKD in the city of San Jose. the spelling of the “kid that was about sixteen” is ” Devin Willis” not Devon

    Comment by jamesbr42 | October 13, 2007 | Reply

  3. Tom Callos contacted this blog and confirmed it was not him that fought Devin.

    Comment by jamesbr42 | November 15, 2007 | Reply

  4. Is it true YOUR style stole aikijujutsu techniques and now modifed and weaked it.

    We use to subdue a suspect or attacker without pain, to cause pain without injury, or to inflict pain, injury and the dislocation of joints, should the situation demand it. In aikijujutsu, ample use is made of striking techniques against body weaknesses. One also studies many martial disciplines in aikijujutsu and receives a well-rounded and effective program of combat skills. A path for personal improvement and awareness remains open, but the primary purpose of aikijujutsu is an effective form of combat.

    In aikijujutsu training, your “partner” takes the form of an aggressor and, unlike aikido, resistance to a technique is allowed. Also, unlike aikido, attacks and holds in aikijujutsu are made with power and focus.

    According to legend, the foundations of aikijujutsu were laid down by Prince Teijun in the ninth century. The art was passed down as a bujutsu (military science) for many generations. Around 1180, a physician’s studies led to great contributions to the art. It was his habit to dissect the bodies of war victims and executed criminals to study the effects of various martial arts techniques. This led to the technical sophistication of aikijujutsu, particularly in the area of joint-locking and twisting techniques.

    Comment by aikijujutsu master | January 15, 2008 | Reply

  5. I studied for a little while with Devin in San Jose, at his house (right near Santa Theresa Ave.) where he would essentially show us a new technique or two, drill it a few times, then have us spar… if we didn’t use the new technique, he’d have us spar (10oz blue and red boxing gloves and shin pads) using only that technique. I also remember that he was academically challenged (really bad at school) but he viscerally demonstrated that there is little relation between school and education. If he saw a new technique in a magazine or book he’d want to try it out right away so he could capture it in muscle memory.
    As for aikijujutsu training, I’ve had some aikido training, that is NOT the way Devin threw you (at least not back in 82/83). It was a lot less gracefull looking, Devin would push/swing/pull you into the garage door or a car or the ground or grab your hair or step on your foot (when you’d try and “block” something).
    At that point in time he said that if you couldn’t do a joint lock technique with boxing gloves on, it was pointless (just like forms, which he disliked at that time). He was only 17 or so at the time so he may well have changed his mind since then.
    I remember him coming back from his trip to Texas with his new “toy” wing chun. And I might be putting it too lightly, but that’s how he treated new techniques and martial theories, like toys to be played with. We (his half dozen or so semi-regular students) jumped right to chi-sao.
    After he left I studied Kuk Sool for a few years, training there was fun, and I didn’t get kicked in the nuts or get bloody nose nearly as often as I did training with Devin, but I doubt what I learned was nearly as effective, and it certainly wasn’t for the time invested.

    Comment by Jeff | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  6. Thank you Jeff For your Thoughts!


    Comment by jamesbr42 | April 5, 2009 | Reply

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